Cyber Security Consultancy for UK Businesses

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Cyber Security Consultancy for UK Businesses

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cyber security consultant working behind it security desk

39% of UK Businesses identified a cyber attack during 2022 – GOV.UK


It’s a common misconception that only large businesses will fall victim to cyber security attacks. In reality, everyone is vulnerable to cyber-attacks including individuals and small businesses.

If your business relies on its online operations then cyber security should be at the top of your priorities list. No matter the size of your business or the industry you work in, cybercriminals have various means of stealing your data, finances, and personal information. 

“39% of UK businesses identified a cyber attack during 2022”- Gov.UK. Therefore making cyber-attacks a substantial threat to UK businesses. 

Some ways in which cyber criminals may choose to attack your business include ransomware, surveillanceware, phishing attacks and threat actors. 

A typical example of a cyber attack is when threat actors create a crisis situation. The crisis is often difficult for your staff to ignore and may be delivered as a fake email from HR. 

We have provided examples of the easiest and most common ways for cyber criminals to attack so that you know what to look out for. 

Common cyber security threats include: 

Compromised Passwords

Ways in which passwords can become compromised are when they are too easy to guess or spyware has recorded keystrokes and stolen your password. 

Bad password practices include using the same password for everything, storing your passwords in the browser, using common passwords such as 123456 and using short passwords with no special characters. 

Clicking On Malicious Links

Your staff may accidentally click on a malicious link. Just one wrong click can open the doors to malware such as trojans and viruses which have the power to take complete control of your devices. 

Even if your staff have been fully trained in cyber security it’s best to always have defences in place to prevent accidental and intentional cyber attacks from occurring. 

Mishandled Data

It’s not just hackers that businesses need to be wary of. Mishandled data can appear in the form of physical misconduct such as leaving devices unattended and leaving passwords written down next to devices.

If your data isn’t properly secured with access controls then employees may even accidentally stumble upon data to which they shouldn’t have access.

Unsecured Networks

An unsecured network can be accessed without the need for a password or login. With increased remote and hybrid working, employees may be more tempted to connect to an unsecured network such as open-source wifi in a coffee shop. 

Cyber security consultancy can take your network security to the next level and ensure that all staff members have access to a secure network no matter where they work.

Expired Anti-Malware Protection

‘Your anti-virus protection has expired’ is a classic pop-up scam used by hackers to trick you into downloading malware. 

It’s often difficult for businesses to decipher anti-malware scams from real malware expiration and may leave them unprotected. 


At Intrasource we have a team of highly trained cybersecurity consultants ready to audit and update your IT security. and keep your business secure online. 

cyber security consultant working behind it security desk

39% of UK Businesses identified a cyber attack during 2022 – GOV.UK


It’s a common misconception that only large businesses will fall victim to cyber security attacks. In reality, everyone is vulnerable to cyber-attacks including individuals and small businesses.

If your business relies on its online operations then cyber security should be at the top of your priorities list. No matter the size of your business or the industry you work in, cybercriminals have various means of stealing your data, finances, and personal information. 

“39% of UK businesses identified a cyber attack during 2022”- Gov.UK. Therefore making cyber-attacks a substantial threat to UK businesses. 

Some ways in which cyber criminals may choose to attack your business include ransomware, surveillanceware, phishing attacks and threat actors. 

A typical example of a cyber attack is when threat actors create a crisis situation. The crisis is often difficult for your staff to ignore and may be delivered as a fake email from HR. 

We have provided examples of the easiest and most common ways for cyber criminals to attack so that you know what to look out for. 

Common cyber security threats include: 

Compromised Passwords

Ways in which passwords can become compromised are when they are too easy to guess or spyware has recorded keystrokes and stolen your password. 

Bad password practices include using the same password for everything, storing your passwords in the browser, using common passwords such as 123456 and using short passwords with no special characters. 

Clicking On Malicious Links

Your staff may accidentally click on a malicious link. Just one wrong click can open the doors to malware such as trojans and viruses which have the power to take complete control of your devices. 

Even if your staff have been fully trained in cyber security it’s best to always have defences in place to prevent accidental and intentional cyber attacks from occurring. 

Mishandled Data

It’s not just hackers that businesses need to be wary of. Mishandled data can appear in the form of physical misconduct such as leaving devices unattended and leaving passwords written down next to devices.

If your data isn’t properly secured with access controls then employees may even accidentally stumble upon data to which they shouldn’t have access.

Unsecured Networks

An unsecured network can be accessed without the need for a password or login. With increased remote and hybrid working, employees may be more tempted to connect to an unsecured network such as open-source wifi in a coffee shop. 

Cyber security consultancy can take your network security to the next level and ensure that all staff members have access to a secure network no matter where they work.

Expired Anti-Malware Protection

‘Your anti-virus protection has expired’ is a classic pop-up scam used by hackers to trick you into downloading malware. 

It’s often difficult for businesses to decipher anti-malware scams from real malware expiration and may leave them unprotected. 


At Intrasource we have a team of highly trained cybersecurity consultants ready to audit and update your IT security. and keep your business secure online. 

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